Viewing entries tagged with ftp. Return to full view. is dead, long live

As Joe just announced, all ftp services at has been shut down.

That of course doesn't mean we're not serving files anymore. All the same things as before area still available through https. This change also has an effect on any user still accessing the repositories (yum and apt) using ftp.

There are multiple reasons for doing this. One is that ftp is an old protocol and in a lot of ways a pain to deal with when it comes to firewalling (both on the client and server side).

The bigger one is the general move towards encrypted internet. We stopped serving plaintext http some time ago for, moving everything to https. Closing down ftp and moving that over to https as well is another step of that plan.

There are still some other plaintext services around, and our plan is to get rid of all of them replacing them with secure equivalents.


I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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