www.postgresql.org is now https only

We've just flipped the switch on www.postgresql.org to be served on https only. This has been done for a number of reasons:

  • In response to popular request
  • Google, and possibly other search engines, have started to give higher scores to sites on https, and we were previously redirecting accesses to cleartext
  • Simplification of the site code which now doesn't have to keep track of which pages need to be secure and which does not
  • Prevention of evil things like WiFi hotspot providers injecting ads or javascript into the pages

We have not yet enabled HTTP Strict Transport Security, but will do so in a couple of days once we have verified all functionality. We have also not enabled HTTP/2 yet, this will probably come at a future date.

Please help us out with testing this, and let us know if you find something that's not working, by emailing the pgsql-www mailinglist.

There are still some other postgresql.org websites that are not available over https, and we will be working on those as well over the coming weeks or months.


Forcing httpS, which requires more resources, for documentation (for instance), is a useless point :( But it's always good to be high ranked etc. thank you for the work done.

Posted on May 25, 2016 at 09:39 by aRkadeFR.

The overhead of https is trivial on modern systems. Most likely you won't notice a difference.

Posted on May 25, 2016 at 14:12 by Magnus.

A little week later have you noticed better ranking of your pages in Google searches?

Posted on May 30, 2016 at 17:48 by Christian Bjørnbak .

I think it's more about not getting a lower score from Google, rather than actually increasing it. At this point it's not something we've studied the results of in detail yet.

Posted on May 31, 2016 at 15:17 by Magnus.

Natural progression of all things Web/HTTP.

Kudos to you all PG guys and gals.

Posted on Jun 1, 2016 at 19:51 by RDL.

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