schedule & keynote announced

A little bit later than we hoped, we have now finally published the schedule for Three days full of presentations to choose from - and of course also the always popular lightning talk sessions. The schedule listed now is what we consider the final version, but we obviously reserve the right to make last-minute modifications both to which talks are included and exactly when they are scheduled, if necessary.

Keynote speaker We are also happy to announce that the conference keynote will be presented by by Ram Mohan, CTO of Afilias, who will be talking about how Afailias has built their company on open source solutions, and how this has turned into a great success. Afilias as a company has been deeply involved with PostgreSQL for a long time, including employing former Core Team member Jan Wieck and leading the development of the Slony replication system. training announced, call for papers deadline extended


We are happy to announce that our training schedule is now available at These trainings are full or half day sessions on the day before the regular conference sessions, and come at an extra cost. The available trainings are:

  • Performance From Start to Crash by Greg Smith, 2ndQuadrant
  • Mastering PostgreSQL Administration by Bruce Momjian, EnterpriseDB
  • Building business applications for Cloud with Servoy by Robert Ivens, ROCLASI
  • Slony, a still useful replication tool by Guillaume Lelarge, Dalibo

Seats are limited at these trainings, so we advise you to book as soon as possible. Training is booked as additional options on the standard conference registration form.

Call for papers

Since we are still in vacation period for a lot of people, we have decided to extend the deadline for our call for papers. The new deadline for submitting talks is midnight, Sep 2nd.

We will, however, start approving talks that have already been submitted as soon as possible, and announce them as soon as we have decided. That means that if you want to be sure that we will have time to review your talk, you should submit as soon as possible!

Full call for paper details are available on the site.

Get your talks in for 2011

The call for papers for PGConf.EU 2011 in Amsterdam will close at the end of this week. Now is the time to get your talk submissions in!

We are interested in all kinds of talks - from deep technical ones, to novice oriented advise and case studies of interesting things done with PostgreSQL. We expect a wide range of different skillsets amongst our visitors, so we want a good spread of the talk topics as well!

Of course, all speakers get free entrance to the conference on all days (training sessions not included).

If you have any questions for us, don't hesitate to contact us.

So, there is nothing to wait for. Head over to the call for papers site and submit your ideas! And please help us spread the word to potential speakers in other communities as well, who may not have seen our posts yet!

PGConf.EU open for registration!

PostgreSQL Conference Europe is now accepting registrations for conference attendance.

The Early Bird special price will be available until September 5th, but that's no reason not to get your registration in early! Should you for some reason want to register for just a part of the conference, single day rates are also available at this time.

If you are planning to attend one of our training sessions, the schedule has not yet been published for that, and it is therefor not yet possible to register for trainings. However, do not worry: the early bird rate will be available for all attendees who register for the trainings - all the way until right before the conference.

And don't forget - the call for papers is still open! If you have already submitted a talk, or are planning to submit one, we suggest you wait to register until you have received a confirmation on if the talk was accepted or not. The early bird rate will be available long enough for you to register after you have received this notification - and if your talk is accepted, attendance is of course free!

As usual, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Call for papers - PGConf.EU 2011

PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2011 will be held on Ocober 18-21 in the Casa 400 Hotel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It will cover topics for PostgreSQL users, developers and contributors, as well as decision and policy makers. For more information about the conference, please see the website at

We are now accepting proposals for talks. Please note that we are looking for talks in English, Dutch, German and French.

Each session will last 45 minutes, and may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL. Suggested topic areas include:

  • Developing applications for PostgreSQL
  • Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
  • Case studies and/or success stories of PostgreSQL deployments
  • PostgreSQL tools and utilities
  • PostgreSQL hacking
  • Community & user groups
  • Tuning the server
  • Migrating from other systems
  • Scaling/replication
  • Benchmarking & hardware
  • PostgreSQL related products

Of course, we're happy to receive proposals for talks on other PostgreSQL related topics as well.

We also have a limited number of longer, 90-minute, slots available. Please indicate clearly in your submission if you wish to make a 90-minute talk.

Finally, there will be a session of five minute lightning talks. A separate call for proposals will be made for them further on.

The submission deadline is August 21st, 2011. Selected speakers will be notified before Sep 5th, 2011.

Please submit your proposals by going to and following the instructions.

If your proposal is in a non-english language, please include a single-sentence description of the presentation in English as well in the field for submission notes.

The proposals will be considered by committee who will produce a schedule to be published nearer the conference date. If your proposal has been accepted, you will be informed by email within two weeks of the submission deadline.

This call for papers is also available on the web at

We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Amsterdam in October!

Extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1 fixes another pet-peeve

One thing I've really disliked is the fact that contrib modules had installation scripts that enforced the schema to public for the installation. In my opinion, for no useful reason at all.

For example, I often install the pgcrypto contrib module. And I install this in the pgcrypto schema, that I then either add to the search_path variable or just explicitly use in my queries, with things like pcrypto.crypt('foobar','barfoo'). For versions prior to 9.1, being able to do this required me to manually edit the installed pgcrypto.sql file, to remove the SET search_path = public; command.

Extensions in 9.1 makes this so much nicer. To get pgcrypto into it's own schema, I now just need to do:

postgres=# CREATE SCHEMA pgcrypto;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto SCHEMA pgcrypto;

If I happen to create it in public by mistake, I can even move it after the fact!

postgres=# ALTER EXTENSION pgcrypto SET SCHEMA pgcrypto;

You still need to create the schema manually - in theory we could auto-create that, but the work is still a lot easier than before. And fully supported!

Remote log reading in PostgreSQL 9.1

PostgreSQL 9.1 beta1 now available - now is a great time to start testing it, and trying out all the great new features.

There have always been a number of ways to read your PostgreSQL logs remotely, over a libpq connection. For example, you can use the pg_read_file() function - which is what pgadmin does. PostgreSQL 9.1 adds a new and more convenient way (in some ways) to do this - using SQL/MED.

PostgreSQL 9.1 comes with SQL standard SQL/MED functionality. The MED in is short for "Managemend of External Data", and as the name sounds, it's about accessing data that's external to the PostgreSQL server. The SQL/MED functionality is not (yet) complete, but it's already very useful in it's current state.

In SQL/MED, there is something called a Foreign Data Wrapper, that can be compared to a driver. Using this FDW, we can create one or more Foreign Servers, which is a definition of how to connect to a specific instance of the service - if any. Finally, we can create one or more Foreign Tables on each of the Foreign Servers, giving us direct access to the remote data using SQL.

Continue reading

Joining the PostgreSQL Core Team

As has just been announced here, I was recently invited to join pgsql-core, and have accepted.

I guess the guys currently on it finally got tired of all my complaints, and figured out the way to make me stop was to suck me into the organization. The future will tell if their strategy will be successful or not...

For those who don't know (this hopefully doesn't include my readers on Planet PostgreSQL), pgsql-core is the "steering committee" for the PostgreSQL project. Exactly what they do seem to be somewhat up for debate both outside and inside of the group itself, but it at least has something to do with the leadership of the project...

Anyway, I'd like to thank the guys in the group for showing this trust in me, and shall do my best not to screw it up!

PGConf.EU 2011 will be held in Amsterdam in October

It's time to mark your calendars: PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2011 (formerly known as PGDay.EU) will be held on October 18-21 at the Casa400 Hotel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Like last year, the conference will be held in a hotel venue, combining both the conference rooms and guest rooms, so you don't have to waste any time finding your way around the city. As in previous years, the conference will include full catered coffee breaks and lunches, to make the most of the time. The first day of the conference will be a training day, and the following three days will be regular conference tracks. The conference will accept talks in English, Dutch, German and French, to benefit those attendees who prefer talks in their native language.

We are just starting our search for sponsors - if you are interested in sponsoring the conference, or know someone who is, please take a look at our sponsorship opportunities and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to propose an alternative arrangement.

We will also follow up with a call for papers later, and in due course open for registration and post a conference schedule. For now, mark the dates, and follow the news on our website and on our twitter stream @pgconfeu.

Training at the increasingly misnamed PgEast

Next week it's time for PgEast: 2011, this time in New York City.

I've already outlined why the East part of "PostgreSQL Conference East" (as it was called at the time) is incorrect: as is obvious to anybody with a basic knowledge of geography, the conference is to the west. From what I can tell, it's approximately 74 degrees west of zero, which means it's more than 20%25 of the world to the west.

In expanding this scope, it seems JD has this year decided to get the rest of the name wrong as well, in a bid to get more people. Just like it's 20%25 of the world wrong in location, it's no longer a PostgreSQL conference. Instead it's more of a cross-database conference, with an entire track dedicated to MongoDB (incidentally, approximately 20%25 of the tracks, it seems). Is that bad? Absolutely not - I'm looking forward to sneaking in on one or two of those MongoDB talks. But I think it means we have to go back to the proper name for the conference - JDCon-East!

And I'm sorry JD, but whatever numbers you get, you will not be the biggest PostgreSQL conference around. We are going to have to leave that title where it belongs - with the Brazilians (for now).

This year, the conference is also running a full 7 parallel training sessions the day before the actual conference. As part of this, I'm giving a half-day training on Streaming Replication and Hot Standby. If you haven't registered for it already, there are still seats open! And tell your friends - since this is how my trip there gets funded, I'd really like to get a full session...

I will also be giving a talk during the regular conference, Data Driven Cache Invalidation.

There's plenty of PostgreSQL - and MongoDB - around for everybody at this conference, so if you're anywhere nearby New York City, there is no reason not to be there!


I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.


PGConf.EU 2024
Oct 22-25, 2024
Athens, Greece
Nordic PGDay 2025
Mar 18, 2025
Copenhagen, Denmark


PGConf NYC 2024
Sep 30-Oct 2, 2024
New York, USA
PGDay UK 2024
Sep 11, 2024
London, UK
PGConf.DEV 2024
May 28-31, 2024
Vancouver, Canada
PGDay Chicago 2024
Apr 26, 2024
Chicago, USA
SCaLE 2024
Mar 14-17, 2024
Pasadena, USA
More past conferences