Training at the increasingly misnamed PgEast

Next week it's time for PgEast: 2011, this time in New York City.

I've already outlined why the East part of "PostgreSQL Conference East" (as it was called at the time) is incorrect: as is obvious to anybody with a basic knowledge of geography, the conference is to the west. From what I can tell, it's approximately 74 degrees west of zero, which means it's more than 20%25 of the world to the west.

In expanding this scope, it seems JD has this year decided to get the rest of the name wrong as well, in a bid to get more people. Just like it's 20%25 of the world wrong in location, it's no longer a PostgreSQL conference. Instead it's more of a cross-database conference, with an entire track dedicated to MongoDB (incidentally, approximately 20%25 of the tracks, it seems). Is that bad? Absolutely not - I'm looking forward to sneaking in on one or two of those MongoDB talks. But I think it means we have to go back to the proper name for the conference - JDCon-East!

And I'm sorry JD, but whatever numbers you get, you will not be the biggest PostgreSQL conference around. We are going to have to leave that title where it belongs - with the Brazilians (for now).

This year, the conference is also running a full 7 parallel training sessions the day before the actual conference. As part of this, I'm giving a half-day training on Streaming Replication and Hot Standby. If you haven't registered for it already, there are still seats open! And tell your friends - since this is how my trip there gets funded, I'd really like to get a full session...

I will also be giving a talk during the regular conference, Data Driven Cache Invalidation.

There's plenty of PostgreSQL - and MongoDB - around for everybody at this conference, so if you're anywhere nearby New York City, there is no reason not to be there!

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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