PostgreSQL Conference Europe is now accepting registrations for conference attendance.
The Early Bird special price will be available until September 5th, but that's no reason not to get your registration in early! Should you for some reason want to register for just a part of the conference, single day rates are also available at this time.
If you are planning to attend one of our training sessions, the schedule has not yet been published for that, and it is therefor not yet possible to register for trainings. However, do not worry: the early bird rate will be available for all attendees who register for the trainings - all the way until right before the conference.
And don't forget - the call for papers is still open! If you have already submitted a talk, or are planning to submit one, we suggest you wait to register until you have received a confirmation on if the talk was accepted or not. The early bird rate will be available long enough for you to register after you have received this notification - and if your talk is accepted, attendance is of course free!
As usual, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
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