Yes, the mailinglists are down

and along with them, a few other services.

From what we can tell, what has happened is that the datacenter that hosts most of their servers in, in Panama, dropped completely off the Internet several hours back. The PostgreSQL mailinglists are managed by, and is tied into their main infrastructure. For this reason, there is nothing the rest of the sysadmin team can do other than wait for the situation to resolve, and we unfortunately have no chance to bring up any backup servers anywhere.

As an added unfortunate bonus, it seems at least one of the nameservers is still running an incorrectly configured DNS zone file. This means that while this server is geographically hosted elsewhere, like it should be, email will get delivered to that host and then bounce saying that the domain does not exist. This is incorrect - the domain itself exists and works perfectly well, and if it wasn't for this incorrect zone file mail would be queued up and delivered once the main datacenter is back up.

Along with the lists, a few other services hosted with are currently unavailable -,, the developer documentation, and possibly some other minor services.

All other infrastructure services are operating properly, including the website and the download mirrors.

Please be patient as we wait for to resolve this issue. For any up-to-date status information your best bet is the #postgresql IRC channel on FreeNode - but people are unlikely to be able to provide any information beyond "it's down, and we're waiting for".

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