We recently updated on of our Slony clusters. I think it at least used to qualify as one of the worlds smallest ones:
Now, we recently doubled the size of this cluster. It now has a whopping two columns in the table. The second column being updated by a trigger, so it's still only one column updated by the end user (well, application). But it's two columns to be replicated!
So what does this prove? Really, not much, but at least: * Slony certainly scales "downward" just fine. It feels like a bit overhead to set it up for something like this, but it works just fine. * Even in a small database, triggers can be very useful - regardless of what the documentation of a certain other database used to say before... * And even in a trivial case like this, statement based replication simply does not work reliably. You need something that's data based - something that the same other database is actually recognizing now and will be including the next version...
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