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PostgreSQL conference registration updates

Right now we're hard at work settling the last details for PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. But for those of you who wish to attend, you have an even closer deadline to consider - to qualify for the discounted Early Bird rate, you must complete your registration before September 16th, only a few days away! This is your best chance to learn about a large umber of PostgresSQL topics, from case studies to deep technical sessions about backend engineering. So take you chance and go register now!

In other conference related news, next week is Postgres Open in Chicago. I'll be there along with many other PostgreSQL contributors, to deliver a set of presentations almost as good as the one in Dublin. There are still some tickets left - why not go to both conferences!


I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



PGConf.DEV 2024
May 28-31, 2024
Vancouver, Canada
PGDay Chicago 2024
Apr 26, 2024
Chicago, USA
SCaLE 2024
Mar 14-17, 2024
Pasadena, USA
Nordic PGDay 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Oslo, Norway
Feb 2-4, 2024
Brussels, Belgium
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