
So the talk is over since a couple of hours. I survived. Wasn't all that many people there, and they appeared to deal fairly well with the fact that I didn't speak French. Nowhere near as many as the Mozilla guy had later, but hey, everybody needs a browser and not everybody needs a proper database.

Had some big issues with the microphone/speaker system (thanks Devrim for fixing some of them), and given that I was entirely unprepared (last night I looked at my slides for 5 minutes, before that it was almost a year since I saw it) I'm pretty happy with how it went off.

Jean-Paul had a talk at the Mandriva booth, which was probably a lot harder - he had people walking around in the booth doing other things the whole time. OTOH, he got a proper working microphone, so he shouldn't be complaining /mha/templates/default/img/emoticons/wink.png alt=";-)" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" /

Oh, and they ran out of water (!) in the speakers/exhibitors bar. Not very good before you have to do a talk, but it worked out. Being French, I guess they stocked up on wine and champagne instead (yes, they did. Not really used to that...) Oh yeah, and they ran out of glasses too, but they still had espresso-cups...

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