Stockholm PUG finally off the ground

Last night, we finally got a PostgreSQL User Group in Stockholm started. We've discussed this for years, but never got around to making it actually happen. Well, with big thanks to Claes who took care of the main organization tasks, we finally did - and I'll happily declare it a big success. It was our first meeting, and we actually didn't promote it very well (so bad that at least one fairly well-connected PostgreSQL community guy didn't realize it was on until registration was already closed - I'm sure others missed it too), and we still managed to get more than 30 people there! Awesome!

Hopefully we can keep the numbers at this level. For now, we are planning to meet around once every three months or so, which means we'll be looking at the next meeting sometime in January. Exact date, and also location, yet to be decided upon.

Claes is supposed to be setting us up with a website (we have plenty of domains already...) and an associated mailinglist, and I guess a registered IRC channel as well. Hopefully soon. But given that he set us up with a room, a projector, pizza and beer last night (thanks, btw, and thanks to Glue for picking up the bill), I think we can give him a couple of hours before we start complaining...

So - see you at the next Stockholm PUG meeting!

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