Speaking in Paris

So I'm at SolutionsLinux in Paris with Devrim and Jean-Paul and the other guys from PostgreSQLFR. Turns out that Jean-Paul had scheduled me for a talk. We had talked about it loosely, but I didn't really realize it was actually going to happen. Seems it is.

So if you're here, there's going to be a pg talk at 11:30 tomorrow (wednesday). AFAIK there is only one room for talks in them, and it's right next to the postgresqlfr booth. I'm going to do a repeat of my "The PostgreSQL Advantage" talk from last years linuxforum, since I really haven't prepared anything. Hopefully it'll work even without preparation, otherwise I'll just blame the language barrier...

And if you're around and not interested in the talk, just pop over to the postgresqlfr booth (we're at E44) and have a chat. And try the little elephant-cakes, they're great!

As for the show itself, there are a lot of people here. Very interesting. As often, much more people in the non-profit area than around the companies. Of the open source databases, mysql and ingres are both represented here (by their respective companies, not by community people from what I can tell), but no sign of firebird.

Network connection is pretty crap (only wired, very slow, and only http+ssh (we negotiated ourselves to get https as well), no vpn, no imap and such things). But then we're not here to surf the net either, we're here to talk to people about PostgreSQL.

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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