Planet updates

I've just deployed a new version of the code that runs Most of this code was written by Selena and me during the initial days at PGCon. It just needed some minor polishing, which I didn't get around to until now. So, the new things are:

Support for Team blogs : This is just a grouping of existing blogs, not actually something new we parse. The idea is to give some exposure to a team someone works for - for example, a specific PostgreSQL support company.

Top posters list : The list of all subscriptions has been replaced with a list of top posters. The list was becoming a bit too large to manage, and didn't really fill a purpose. And it was hard to integrate nicely with the Team blogs feature.

There has also been a bunch of internal changes : Details available in the git repo on

If you want to make use of the Team blogs feature, this has unfortunately not been implemented in the admin interface. We (well, me, really) were just a bit too lazy for that. So if you want to make use of it, please just send an email to letting us know what name you want for the team, and which blogs to add to it (these blogs should already be subscribed to planet).

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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