PGDay.EU - where's your country?

Initial numbers from our registration database for PGDay.EU 2010 is showing that we are expanding our international reach more than last year. In 2009, 60%25 of the attendees were from France, which is where the conference was held. This year the number of attendees from Germany is "down" to about 50%25, meaning we have more people from other countries. The total number of countries is down one though - we have no registration from Nicaragua this year! Even our attendance from the US is up to three more people.

Pardon my horrible chart, but here is the current spread of attendees. Where does your country stack up? If it's not Germany, then it's not high enough - time to suggest/encourage/force/trick your friends and colleagues to register and attend! (And if it's Germany - hey, can you really let the French get to 60%25 last year and not beat them this year?)

Registration for PGDay.EU 2010 closes soon! Don't miss out on the biggest PostgreSQL event in Europe this year, and all the great presentations!


Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): PGDay.EU - where's your country?

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 10:46 by planetpostgres.

PostgreSQL: Magnus Hagander: PGDay.EU - where's your country?: Initial numbers from our registration database fo...

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 10:51 by zuissi.

Magnus Hagander: #PGDay.EU - where's your country?: Initial numbers from our registration database for PGDay.EU 2010...

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 11:23 by sqlmanager.

RT @planetpostgres: Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): PGDay.EU - where's your country?

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 11:28 by pgdayeu.

RT @planetpostgres: Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): PGDay.EU - where's your country?

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 11:28 by magnushagander.

Now I know there are more UK users of Postgresql, who might be interested in making it to #organise #travel

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 13:09 by gnubyexample.

RT @gnubyexample: Now I know there are more UK users of Postgresql, who might be interested in making it to #organise #travel

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 13:33 by pgdayeu.

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