PGConf.EU 2016 attendee statistics

It is now about a week since PGConf.EU 2016, and things are slowly returning to normal :) You'll have to wait a while longer for the traditional summary of the feedback post that I make every year, but there's another piece of statistics I'd like to share.

As always, Dave put the attendees per country statistics into the closing session slides, and we shared some of the top countries. Unsurprisingly, countries like Estonia (the host country), Germany (one of Europes larges country), Sweden and Russia (countries near by) were at the top.

For those looking into more details, here is the actual statistics for all countries and not just the top ones (click for bigger version)

Regs per country

In discussions after the conference several people have asked the question about which countries are most represented relative to their population. This is to my knowledge a statistic we haven't looked at previously, but it's an interesting one. And it's also easy enough to get, so I set about making a second chart. Population counters are from Eurostat, except for countries not represented there where I just used Wikipedia, as these are approximations anyway. The following chart now shows number of attendees divided by the population of the country (in millions):

Regs per million per country

Again it's unsurprising that Estonia comes out on top - it is the host country after all. Finland moves up the list a bit, since it's a fairly small country. Latvia moves up even more due to the small population, but this is also unsurprising as it's a neighbour.

Cyprus gets right up in the toplist even though there was only a single attendee from there -- that goes to show how small numbers can still have a big effect on the total since the country is so small.

Germany in particular drops down in the list. There may be a lot of Germans at the event, but compared to the size of the country, they are still a small group. France and Russia also drop sharply in the list.

So what does it actually mean? Not much really, other than that you can make charts of almost anything. And that we have a very good mix of attendees from different countries both in Europe and outside, which is something we very much enjoy. And if anything, it shows that the location is even more important than if you only study the total numbers, which shows the value of us moving around to different countries each year to attract a different audience.

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.


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