The first thing to notice is that I certainly didn't have time to write any blog posts during the event :-) I didn't have internet access from my hotel, just from the convention area, which also contributed to that.
In general, OSCON Europe was good. A few sessions were of "a bit lesser quality", but in most were very good. Most sessions were technically oriented, which is what I was looking for, but a couple were a bit more on the marketing side. And it's hard to get into deep technical stuff if you only have a 50 minute slot.
From a PostgreSQL perspective, it was very good. I got the definite feel that PostgreSQL was a lot better represented than MySQL when you looked at what people were interested in. We had a BOF, which they didn't. It wasn't a huge number of people, but there were some 10-12 of us at least, and some interesting discussions.
In general there were a whole lot of interesting people to talk to. Bruce and Simon from the PostgreSQL project of course, but a lot of others as well - both PostgreSQL users and people doing completely other things.
The most asked question from db users: What will happen with MySQL after the Innobase thing?
The most made-fun-of-in-talks-incident: Oracle buys Innobase.
Nobody really knows what will happen, and the MySQL guys didn't answer any questions about it. At least not in public. The MySQL guy (David) also managed to insult their community pretty good in his talk. I don't think it was intentional, but this was actually the second time I hear things along that line from them. The quote was basically "we get contributions from the community, but they are never good enough. We may take the idea and rewrite it from scratch". Ironically, his collegue Kaj had a talk the next day titled "taking the community to the next level"...
Finally, about my own talk delivered together with Simon Riggs. I think it went reasonably well. If you were there and want to let me know what you thought, please do so. I'll put the presentation slides up in a couple of days.
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