OSCON Europe day one - first impressions

So I got here, so some quick first impressions:

  • It's a bit smaller than I expected. But it's probably going to pick up tomorrow.
  • Not surprisingly, a lot of familiar faces - if only familiar from webpages...
  • So far, good quality talks!
  • Oh yeah, "they" deliver talks about LISP...

No PostgreSQL talks scheduled until wednesday, but there's at least Bruce to chat about pg stuff with. And if there are others around, do show yourselves if you can figure out where we are :-)

/mha/uploads/oscon-dead-languages.jpg alt="" align="right" Now for the mandatory first day picture. Daiman Conway delivering his talk on dead languages, and actually showing LISP code (and that wasn't the worst!) I thought I'd never have to live through watching a presentation about LISP again... (pardon the layout - the wireless connection here (hotel) is very flaky, so I have to click things quickly before it goes offline)

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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