Nordic PGDay 2014 - come join us up north!

It's been discussed for several years, so I'm very happy to finally be able to announce that next year, there will be a Nordic PGDay, in Stockholm, Sweden, on March 20th. It will follow a pattern that is common to those of you that have already visited other PostgreSQL event - a combination of great talks from PostgreSQL insiders, and a hallway track to meet and talk with other PostgreSQL people. As this is our first instance in the Nordics, it will be a single-track single-day event, but we hope to grow it in the future.

Our main target audience is in the Nordics, and we hope to see a lot of visitors not just from Sweden but also from our neighboring countries. Since this means the official language of the conference will be English, we will of course also welcome both visitors and speakers from the rest of Europe and the world as well!

We have not yet opened our call for papers, but plan to do so shortly. We have also not opened registration yet, as we do not know exactly what the entrance cost will be yet. This will be depending on how many sponsors we can sign up for the event - which we have also not opened up for yet (a pattern is emerging here). But the date and venue is set, so mark your calendars and start moving other events around so you can be sure to make it...

If your company is interested in sponsoring the event, please let us know at, and we'll be sure to send you our sponsorship information as soon as it's available!

For the rest of you, keep up with our website or follow us on Twitter for updates!

See you in Stockholm in March next year!


Any rough idea when the registration will open?

Posted on Dec 28, 2013 at 20:27 by Andreas.

Not other than "as soon as we can". But we do need to get some of the sponsorship deals down first, so we can decide on what the actual cost will be. I would expect mid or late January, but that's not a promise.

Posted on Dec 28, 2013 at 21:44 by Magnus.

Thank you for the answer.

Posted on Dec 28, 2013 at 23:04 by Andreas.

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



PGConf.DEV 2024
May 28-31, 2024
Vancouver, Canada
PGDay Chicago 2024
Apr 26, 2024
Chicago, USA
SCaLE 2024
Mar 14-17, 2024
Pasadena, USA
Nordic PGDay 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Oslo, Norway
Feb 2-4, 2024
Brussels, Belgium
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