Make your picks - PGDay.EU 2010

PGDay Europe 2010 is drawing closer - only two weeks until kickoff! Some of the training is filled up, but we still have space for some more people on the general conference (and some of the training sessions). It's not too late - go register!

I'll be spending much of the time working with the conference administration, hopefully making things flow. But with a schedule like this, there are some sessions that I'm definitely not going to miss:

  • The keynote, of course. Simon Phipps is a well known and very experienced Open Source speaker and worker. He'll be talking about "Back to the Future of Open Source", and it will be very interesting to hear his perspective on this, having been on the inside of for example Sun.
  • Play chess against PostgreSQL (and get beaten) with Gianni Colli. You just need to read the title, of course I have to see it :-) Unfortunately it's up against PgOpenCL, but that's what happens when you have so many good talks.
  • I think I can skip out of Simon Riggs talk about replication - I need to have my class for Wednesday ready before this anyway. But I highly recommend it to anybody who is planning to deploy the 9.0 replication features.
  • That afternoon I'll be busy with the conference, and won't get to go to any of the talks... I'll definitely miss the Concurrency talk, the clustering and the psycopg one.
  • Tuesday, I can't quite decide between Developing PostgreSQL performance or Graph Constraints, and Why You Care. But we put two such great talks early in the morning to make sure everybody gets up!
  • Next I'd go to Stefans talk about benchmarking, but it's in German, so I think I'm better off not doing that. It'll be the case-study of the large deployment that Bull did for the French social services instead.
  • Before lunch, I think it'll be Postgres-XC. I've been to a lot of conferences now where Mason has held a talk about this, and never actually managed to see one...
  • After lunch, I'm again stuck at doing work (sheesh). If you haven't seen it already, I recommend Bruce's MVCC talk. There are other good ones as well, of course, but Bruce does a very good "deep introduction" to PostgreSQL's implementation of MVCC.
  • Obviously there's no skipping out on the closing keynote. Ed usually does a good job - I expect no less this time.

With this much great content, it's hard to choose - but those are my choices for PGDay. (I of course reserve the right to change my mind, depending on how late the speaker left from the party the day before)

What are yours?

And if you haven't registered yet, you still have a few more days. Don't miss your chance to attend the biggest PostgreSQL event in Europe this year! Registering is easy and quick - not to mention cheap!


Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): Make your picks - PGDay.EU 2010

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 20:16 by planetpostgres.

PostgreSQL: Magnus Hagander: Make your picks - PGDay.EU 2010: PGDay Europe 2010 is drawing closer - only two wee...

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 20:18 by zuissi.

RT @planetpostgres: Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): Make your picks - PGDay.EU 2010

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 20:19 by magnushagander.

any idea if somebody will record talks and make them available online? i'm surprised that postgres doesn't have an official page for conference talks (recordings + slides) online.

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 20:33 by Aljosa Mohorovic.

I don't think there will be any recordings, but it's not entirely ruled out yet. There is nothing planned yet.

There is a page for conference talks - it's on the wiki at

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 21:32 by Magnus.

RT @planetpostgres: Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): Make your picks - PGDay.EU 2010

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 21:41 by pgsnake.

RT @planetpostgres: Magnus Hagander (@magnushagander): Make your picks - PGDay.EU 2010

Posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 21:42 by pgdayeu.

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