Getting started at pgcon

I arrived in Ottawa on Sunday evening after a pretty long flight over from Stockholm. Completely by random I met Josh Berkus at Chicago O'Hare, and it turned out we were on the same flight to Ottawa. Had a nice dinner with Josh and Dan Langille, the PgCon organizer, at an Indian place.

Monday morning, met up with Selena, Dan and Josh again for breakfast close to our hotel. And somehow we got suckered into doing the keynote on thursday. Actually, I think it went down this way: Josh volunteered Selena to do it. Selena volunteered me to do it. And I volunteered Dave. In the end we'll end up doing it together - and of course Dan will do the general conference introduction. We haven't really gotten started on the actual talk itself, so if you have good ideas for it, feel free to let us know...

Not much time go to be spent on the slides yesterday, as me and Selena a some kind of mini web-hackathon. We spent time working on some features for Planet PostgreSQL. Some cleanup took a bit longer than expected so they're not actually out yet, but they will be soon... I see Selena thinks we're going to deploy it to the production server today, but I'm very doubtful about that. We'll see.

Last night was really when a lot of known people started turning up, first for dinner at Works Burger and then for beer a the Royal Oak. The big news from the Oak was that Stephen didn't fall asleep this year. Other than that, things were pretty much as usual.

Today has been spent mostly working on slides for my regular talk. I skipped out on both Stephen Frost's tutorial on access control and Josh's updated version of performance whack-a-mole - my dedicated slide-making time will go to the keynote, so I have to finish the slides now.

Rumor has it Dave has now arrived in Ottawa and should show up soon. So keynote work (at the Oak) will probably start shortly.

Tomorrow's second tutorial day, but for me and many of the most active backend hackers that are here, it's a day of meeting up with other developers and discuss what's going to happen in PostgreSQL for the next year or so. It was a great success last year, and I'm sure everybody is expecting an equally valuable as last year. And the appropriate thanks out to Dave and EnterpriseDB for arranging the meetup and picking up the tab.

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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