Conference definitly underway

I read somewhere that real bloggers would always blog during a conference, preferrably getting at least one post in for each talk. Well, I'm not going to do that, but hey, here's at least one.

Very good day so far. Intro by Bruce talking about how things started. The PL/pgsql debugger presented by Korry (EnterpriseDB) looks really good. Plenty of interesting lightning-talks. And right now in the longest talk of the whole conference - "Introduction to Hacking PostgreSQL Workshop" with Neil Conway and Gavin Sherry (see picture). Given that I need to actually listen to that in order to understand it, this post took a while to write, so I'm just going to focus on listening now..

(apologies for bad quality image. That's what you get for forgetting your CF reader leading to the usage of a bad cellphone camera instead.. Better ones later, hopefully.)

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I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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Apr 26, 2024
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