So I got here, so some quick first impressions:
No PostgreSQL talks scheduled until wednesday, but there's at least Bruce to chat about pg stuff with. And if there are others around, do show yourselves if you can figure out where we are :-)
/mha/uploads/oscon-dead-languages.jpg alt="" align="right" Now for the mandatory first day picture. Daiman Conway delivering his talk on dead languages, and actually showing LISP code (and that wasn't the worst!) I thought I'd never have to live through watching a presentation about LISP again... (pardon the layout - the wireless connection here (hotel) is very flaky, so I have to click things quickly before it goes offline)
Today I found out (the hard way - customer call!) that I had created a whole bunch of databases on a server in UNICODE encoding, when the locale picked only supported LATIN1. There were also a bunch of other dbs that were actually in LATIN1 that had no problems.
To solve this, I wrote a quick-n-dirty-n-hacky script to batch-convert all the databases from UNICODE to LATIN1. Luckily none of them were very large :-) I'll post it here in the hope that it'll help someone - but consider it mainly something to build from. Specifically the errorchecking should perhaps be better than just an echo of the exitcode.
It solved my problem. YMMV.
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql template1 postgres -A -t -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn AND encoding=6 AND NOT datname ~ '.*_s'" | while read D ; do
echo "Converting $D"
echo "-- start" > $D.dump
echo "ALTER DATABASE $D RENAME TO ${D}_s;" >> $D.dump
echo "CREATE DATABASE $D ENCODING='LATIN1' TEMPLATE=template0;" >> $D.dump
echo "\\connect $D" >> $D.dump
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -U postgres $D >> $D.dump
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -U postgres template1 -f $D.dump
echo Exitcode $?
Finally got around to testing the new ODBC version for Kerberos support, and I'm happy to report it works perfectly and requires no hacks to install.
To use it, make sure you have a libpq with Kerberos support compiled in (yeah, this means manual build - we're looking into this for 8.1, but no promises yet). Then just set up your data source as you normally would, and skip specifying the password (you must specify a username though). As long as your pg_hba.conf is properly set up, that's all you need.
I have an application with the need to synchronize apache passwords for basic auth (using DBM files) from a postgresql table. Using mod_auth_pgsql simply not an option - there may be other cases where it's an option but not wanted, in this case there it was out from the beginning.
So. pl/perl once again to the rescue, along with the CPAN module Apache::Htpasswd. Pretty easy to do with a trigger. Hit the link to see the code.
userid character varying(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"password" character varying(32) DEFAULT randpwd() NOT NULL
CREATE FUNCTION sync_user_list() RETURNS "trigger"
AS $_$
use Apache::Htpasswd;
use strict;
my %25userlist;
open(HT,"/data/webusers/users") || elog(ERROR,"Could not read password file: $!");
while (<HT>) {
my ($uid,$pwd) = split /:/;
my $ht = new Apache::Htpasswd("/data/webusers/users") || elog(ERROR,"Cannot open password file: $!");
my $r = spi_exec_query("SELECT userid,password FROM users");
my %25users;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $r->{processed}; $i++) {
my $u = $r->{rows}[$i]->{userid};
my $p = $r->{rows}[$i]->{password};
$users{$u} = 1;
if (!$ht->fetchPass($u)) {
$ht->htpasswd($u,$p) || elog(ERROR,"Could not add user $u: " . $ht->error());
elsif (!$ht->htCheckPassword($u,$p)) {
$ht->htpasswd($u,$p,1) || elog(ERROR,"Could not add/set password for $u: " . $ht->error());
foreach my $u (keys %25userlist) {
if ($users{$u} != 1) {
LANGUAGE plperlu;
CREATE TRIGGER trg_sync_user_list
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sync_user_list();
Code has now been committed to pginstaller to move user creation to the execute sequence. This means it can be used from silent installs, and also that the user won't be created until you have filled in all dialogs - in 8.0 we create it as soon as you leave the service config screen.
If you need this, or really anybody else as well, please grab latest cvs, test and let us know how it works. If you can't compile yourself, wait for the next beta which hopefully won't be too far off. But as this is a fairly major change, we'd appreciate a lot of testing.
A couple of minor fixes have also gone in, as we're nearing release. Not a lot of bug/feature-requests still pending now.
Wow, this autumn is turning out really hectic. Which can also be read as very interesting /mha/templates/default/img/emoticons/smile.png alt=":-)" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" /
Apart from helping out with the final touches of PostgreSQL 8.1 (now in beta! Download and test!) and finishing off the 8.1 installer, I'm also involved in the Slony on win32 project Dave has been referring to.
Apart from coding up the win32 port of Slony, this also means I'll be going to Tokyo to deliver a talk on it /mha/templates/default/img/emoticons/laugh.png alt=":-D" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" / Which is going to be really interesting - a big thanks to Hiroshi for setting this up!
And finally, I'm also a co-speaker with Simon Riggs on Euro OSCON in Amsterdam, on the topic of PostgreSQL in the Enterprise. My part of the talk will deal with win32 issues, such as Active Directory integration. If you're a PostgreSQL user or developer, I'll look forward to meeting you there!
Oh, and on top of this, all the normal stuff at work of course /mha/templates/default/img/emoticons/smile.png alt=":-)" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" / So there will certainly not be many boring moments.
Just a quick note that I now have dblink-ldap running fine on win32. I have some performance issues in my lab environment, but I think I've tracked them down to a broken DNS setup. Will need to try it again in a better environment in the next couple of days.
Let me know if you want to test it and I can send you a binary of what I have now.
I'm back for my around-two-weeks of vacation - much needed, and turned out very well.
Meanwhile, Dave has done a lot of work on the installer, and even put out a beta release.
Still leaves the break-out-account-creation part for me to do, but a lot of the other TODO items have been ticked off. Great work Dave!
Dave Page has been added to PostgreSQL core, so now the win32 team has a representative there! Not to mention the website team. For these reasons and others I believe Dave is a great choice for the core team.
Congratulations, Dave!
Got together with Dave this monday as I was visiting the UK. Didn't have much time to do anything productive, but we did get some discussion going on what to do about pginstaller for 8.1. Some highlights:
Of course, we're going to try to tick off anything else that is on the feature tracker on pgfoundry. If anybody wants to help out, now's a great time to start feeding patches :-)
And Dave - nice meeting you! Looking forward to the next time - most likely in Tokyo for the Slony talk!