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Integrating django authentication with PostgreSQL

If you've been to any of my pgcrypto talks, you know I'm a fan of exposing a login interface in the database. It's a great way to allow multiple systems to use the same authentication system, without being limited to a single framework. However, it can often be nice and easy to be able to use the account management system in said framework, because it's already there.

When I go to frameworks, django is my current favorite, and I do like the ability to use it's integrated admin system to edit users. For this reason, I wanted to add the ability to use a database function to authenticate other systems using the django user tables. Thanks to the fact that django choose a nicely readable text format for their hashes, and that PostgreSQL has the awesome pgcrypto library, this is pretty simple. Here's a function that will simply return true if authentication was successful, and false if not.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION django_login (_username text, _password text)
RETURNS boolean
AS $$
   IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM auth_user WHERE username=_username) THEN
      RETURN encode(pgcrypto.digest(split_part(password, '$', 2) || _password, 'sha1'), 'hex') = 
             split_part(password, '$', 3) FROM auth_user WHERE username=_username;
      RETURN 'f';
   END IF;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

This assumes you have installed pgcrypto in it's own schema, something I always recommend. If you haven't, just remove the schema specifier in the query.

Finally, if you use this type of authentication, remember to use SSL. And don't enable query logging...

PostgreSQL security releases out

As you can see, PostgreSQL has just released new updated versions, which include security fixes. They also contain other critical bug fixes, so even if you are not directly affected by the security issues, plan an upgrade as soon as possible.

One of the security issues that have been patched deal with NULL prefixes in SSL certificate names, a vulnerability that is basically the same one that have surfaced in a lot of different products this autumn, for example in the Mozilla suite of products. There is not really space enough to properly discuss the implications this has in a PostgreSQL environment in the release notes, so I'll try to elaborate some here - given that I wrote the fix for it.

First of all, a quick explanation of what the problem is. PostgreSQL uses OpenSSL to deal with certificates. Prior to the fixed version, we just asked OpenSSL for the name of the certificate, got back a string, and used this one. Now, if you know C coding, you know that a string is terminated by a NULL character. The bug in PostgreSQL is that we did not check the return value from this function, and make sure it returned the same value as the length of the returned string. This means that somebody could embed a NULL value in the certificate, and we would incorrectly parse and validate only the part that was before the NULL value. For example, if someone managed to get a certificate with the common name set to "\", PostgreSQL would match this certificate against "" (or ""), which is not correct. With the fix, the certificate will be rejected* completely.

It is important to know that in order to make use of this vulnerability, the attacker needs to convince a trusted CA to sign such a certificate - which is quite obviously malicious. If the attacker cannot get the CA to hand this out, PostgreSQL will reject the certificate before we even get this far. It is arguably also a bug in the CA handling (technical or procedural) to even hand out such a certificate, and that bug need to be exploited before the one in PostgreSQL can be.

In the vast majority of cases, if not all, where PostgreSQL is deployed and actually using certificate validation, the certificates will be handed out by a trusted local CA. In which case, exploiting this vulnerability becomes much harder. This scenario is significantly different from the original scenario this bug was discovered in, which is the web browser. In the web browser case, the browser already trusts a large number of external CAs by default. PostgreSQL will trust no CAs by default (unless you are doing a debian install, in which case they put some default CAs in there - this is another reason why this is a really bad idea from a security perspective). PostgreSQL also does not prompt the user with a potentially incorrect name field on the certificate asking if this is ok or not - it will just reject the certificate if it doesn't match (correctly or incorrectly), closing another attack venue. So the bug is really only significant if you can't trust your CA - but the whole point of the CA is that it is a trusted entity...

PostgreSQL 8.4 is the first version to properly support certificate name validation, and also the first version to support client certificate authentication, both of which are vulnerable to this bug, neither of which is enabled by default. However, previous versions are also indirectly vulnerable, because they exposed the CN field of the certificate to the application for further validation. So you could have a stored procedure checking the client certificate, or just the libpq application checking the server certificate, even in earlier versions. And given the API structure, there was no way for these outside processes to know if they were being fooled or not. So if you are using an application that makes use of this on previous versions of PostgreSQL, you still need the patch - there is no way to fix the bug from the application.

The summary of this post is that this vulnerability is a lot less serious in PostgreSQL than in many other systems that had the issue. That doesn't mean it's not there, and that it should be (and have been) fixed. But it means that this vulnerability alone is likely not reason enough to rush an upgrade on your production systems - most likely you're not affected by it. On the PostgreSQL security page it is tagged with classification A, which is the highest. This is more an indication that the system we're using for classification really doesn't take these things into consideration - something we will look into for the future.

pgcon, 1st talk day

We're now up to the third day of pgcon, the first one of the actual conference - the previous ones being dedicated to tutorials. The day started with Selena, me and Dave doing a semi-improvised keynote. Well, it started with Dan saying welcome and going through some details, but he doesn't count... I doubt we actually spread any knowledge with that talk, but at least we got to plug some interesting talks at the conference, and show pictures of elephants.

Missed the start of the Aster talk on Petabyte databases using standard PostgreSQL, but the parts I caught sounded very interesting. I'm especially excited to hear they are planning to contribute a whole set of very interesting features back to core PostgreSQL. This makes a lot of sense since they're building their scaling on standard PostgreSQL and not a heavily modified one like some other players in the area, and it's very nice to see that they are realizing this.

After this talk, it was time for my own talk on PostgreSQL Encryption. I had a hard time deciding the split between pgcrypto and SSL when I made the talk, but I think it came out fairly well. Had a number of very good questions at the end, so clearly some people were interested. Perhaps even Bruce managed to learn something...

After this we had lunch, and I'm now sitting in Greg Smiths talk about benchmarking hardware. This is some very low level stuff compared to what you usually see around database benchmarking, but since this is what sits underneath the database, it's important stuff. And very interesting.

The rest of the day has a lineup of some very nice talks, I think. So there'll be no sitting around in the hallway! And in the evening there is the EnterpriseDB party, of course!

Yesterday had the developer meeting, where a bunch (~20) of the most active developers that are here in Ottawa sat down together for the whole day to discuss topics around the next version of PostgreSQL, and how our development model works. Got some very important discussions started, and actually managed to get agreement on a couple of issues that have previously been going in circles. All in all, a very useful day.

Why are you not logging your DDL?

Last week I had yet another customer issue where "someone" had been issuing DDL statements in the database. And nobody knew who. Or why. But (surprise!) it broke things (and they weren't even running Slony!). There are two simple lessons to be learned from this:

In a production environment, arbitrary DDL statements are normally not run. If they are, you really need to look over your application design, because it's broken. Note that this does not include temporary tables. Also things like automating the creation of new partitions are also pretty normal. But the important thing there is that it's controlled and scheduled work, not arbitrary statements.

So, you'll want to keep track of your DDL. PostgreSQL provides a very simple and good way to do this. Set the configuration parameter log_statement='ddl'. The default value for this parameter is none, and there are also options for logging all DML and all statements period. But for a production environment, I find the ddl option to be very useful. So useful, in fact, that I'd consider it an installation bug in most environments if it's not set. So if this parameter is not set in your production environment, now is a good time to reconsider that decision.

The second thing to learn comes from the fact that once we tracked it down, it turned out that the DDL was issued from the application server. Which was running with superuser privileges. Now that's a much larger bug in the deployment, and a failure waiting to happen. There's a very simple lesson to learn from this: the application server should never run with superuser privileges. It should also not run with a user that has permissions to issue any DDL. This is simply the principle of least privilege - or at least principle of not insanely high privileges.

Yes, there are a number of application servers and frameworks that issue their own DDL as part of their ORM. The best way to handle them is, IMHO, to have them generate the SQL output and then manually apply that using a high privilege account. Because DDL should only be issued as part of upgrades and similar things, this should not be an issue. If the application server does not support this, a workaround is to give the application server DDL permissions during the upgrade only, and then take them away as soon as the upgrade is completed.

And yes, you should do this on your developer systems as well, and not just in production. Because if you only do it in production, you won't notice your bugs until you have deployed. It may seem like a lot of extra work to begin with, but it really is only a little extra work once you have got the procedures in place. And it can save you a lot of forensics work once something has happened.


I speak at and organize conferences around Open Source in general and PostgreSQL in particular.



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May 28-31, 2024
Vancouver, Canada
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Apr 26, 2024
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Mar 14-17, 2024
Pasadena, USA
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Mar 12, 2024
Oslo, Norway
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Brussels, Belgium
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