A busy week for PostgreSQL - hello 9.0!

In case you missed it (I'm certainly not the first on Planet PostgreSQL to blog about this, but there are supposedly other aggregators), PostgreSQL 9.0 has been released. Comes with spiffy things like Streaming Replication, Hot Standby and Exclusion Constraints! If you aren't up to speed on all the news already, go check out the release notes.

Second, I yesterday committed Thom Browns changes to the stylesheets for the documentation. So not only do you get the documentation for the new version, it also looks a lot better than the old one - nicer formatting for tables and highlighting examples and code in a better way. This is also changed in the old version of the docs.

Finally, tonight we start the second attempt to move the authoritative PostgreSQL source tree to git. It didn't end well last time and we reverted back to cvs, but given the large amount of work put into it by many people, I have much higher hopes this time. Stay tuned...


The new style sheets look nice except for one thing I noticed.

The round corners and the shadows seem a bit too strong to me.

A border radius of 6px and a shadow of 2px 2px 4px would probably be better.

Posted on Sep 20, 2010 at 15:17 by Andreas.

Sorry if I'm asking the wrong person, but I didn't notice uuid module in x64 Windows distribution. I noticed you mentioning difficulty in finding working/tested x64 libraries for Windows, so is this the reason why it isn't included? The only thing keeping me away from upgrading to 9.0 immediately, now that I've easily compiled PostGIS for x64 myself...

Posted on Sep 23, 2010 at 18:40 by Symbiatch.

Issues with the Windows installer should be reported to EnterpriseDB - use their forums, or use the bug report form on postgresql.org.

Posted on Sep 24, 2010 at 08:28 by Magnus.

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